Maryland Film Festival Director and CFF Film Advisory Board Member Jed Dietz reunited with old friend Joan Rivers.
It turns out Jed was an NBC page for the “Tonight Show with Johnny Carson” and was able to get together with his sometime boss Joan Rivers at Sundance after the screening of the documentary Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work. Jed thought the film was amazing, incredibly honest. I'm still trying to see it. By the way, Jed is blogging the festival, too, so if you want more about Sundance, check out the Maryland Film Festival blog here.
For fans of Joan Rivers, rumor has it she is coming to our very own Avalon Theatre in April. Sure to be a great show.
Hi Joan... can we talk, Hon? ;-)
But seriously, folks.... Hey guys.. the pace sounds 'brutal'... hang in there; it's a nasty, grueling job but thank God you two 'stepped up to the plate' for us proles back on the 'Sho... "Where do we get such men?"
Come home safely with great memories, great films, and lots of good tales to tell us... for as you are aware, "Inquiring minds want to know". Cheers, Laurie
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