Friday, January 28, 2011

Filmmaker on the Shuttle

At Sundance super groovy conversations take place on the bus shuttles, in line waiting to get on the bus, and in lines waiting to get into the theatres. People are easy to talk to here and I'd go so far as to say even extra-friendly. I think it's because we're all on the same page. There's just this feeling that everywhere you turn, people are pretty much here for the same reason: they love films and like to talk about them! Early this afternoon, we hopped a shuttle after Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975 (Bob gave CFF business card to producer) where in the theatre we spotted Jed Dietz talking to the director of the film Reagan. On the bus, a young man named Zef turned and extended his hand for a handshake, introduced himself and off we went on a typical fun film chat. What did we like so far? What was the best? Have you heard anything about this film or that film? Where are you from? And you? Turns out Zef lives in New York City, makes short films, and after exchanging cards promised to send us a screener. He's working on a few films right now and just finished a short called Remember to Remember about a boxer who suffers a head injury outside of the ring. Then, off we went in different directions. A Sundance moment!

1 comment:

Rhonda35 said...

This is so exciting! Next year, I'm going to Sundance!