Friday, January 29, 2010

Crazy film head

I love going to the movies. LOVE IT! So I have been taking in a few shows. Like five a day. I kid you not. Five freakin’ movies a day.

After a while you can’t tell what time of day it is anymore. I get so many thoughts swirling in my head and feelings gurgling in my belly that I start to speed up. Like no one will walk fast enough or talk fast enough to keep up with the great swirl. Just in the last two days, I have been to Pat Tillman’s funeral, the decimation of the Yanomami Indians by anthropologists, a Bromance called Douchebag, a Peruvian gay love story and a film about Jean Michel Basquiat. It is a total head spinner to try and digest this much culture. It is like putting your head inside a spinning dryer.

To keep it all straight, I keep a journal. It is small and black. I try to write in it after each screening. I write furiously so I don’t forget anything. It comes out in a stream-of-consciousness scrawl. With bullet points, plot points and character arcs. Everything is noted.


1 comment:

Guy Montag said...

There appear to be few surprises in "The Tillman Story" for those who have closely followed the Tillman story over the past five years.

I believe the single best introduction to the Tillman story is Gary Smith’s Sports Illustrated's (9-11-06) cover story "Remember My Name." I've placed a link to that article in my document "Remember the Iconoclast, Not the Icon" at

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In his book, “Where Men Win Glory,” Jon Krakauer blamed the Bush administration and the Army for the whitewash of Pat Tillman's death. However, the cover-up has actually been a thoroughly bi-partisan affair.

In particular, the Democratic Congress and the Obama Presidency have protected General Stanley McChrystal from scrutiny and punishment for his central role in the handling of the aftermath of Pat Tillman's friendly-fire death.

I've posted several detailed documents to that focus on the actions taken to protect General Stanley McChrystal from punishment for his role in the cover-up by Congressman Henry Waxman, Senator James Webb (along with Senators Carl Levin and John McCain), the New York Times Pentagon Reporter Thom Shanker, and Andrew Exum from the think-tank Center for a New American Security's (CNAS).

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And, my binder “Battle for the Truth” discusses the parallels between Pat Tillman and Jonathan (Yoni) Netanyahu who died at the Raid on Entebbe in 1976.