Thursday, January 14, 2010

Seat cushions & long lines

As he readies for the upcoming Sundance, Tom recalls scenes from last year’s.

“There is the almighty tickets chain that is like a link of sausages. Also, for most of the films, there is a wait and being treated like cattle is not unheard of, unless you are a VIP and then you are swept magically past hoi polloi. A typical night scene on the main strip in Park City will feature fine dining, drunk kids, and great films. They all seem to go together. One constant is the scheduling dilemma--go to two mediocre films or catch that one great one that makes the day. That is a no brainer for CFF--always go for quality. Pictured is the famous and funky Egyptian Theater. You can feel the Indie good vibes emanating from every worn seat cushion. Oh yeah, baby, you're at Sundance now.”

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