Friday, January 29, 2010

Sundance & climate change

Sundance is concerned with climate change. I have seen more than a couple of documentaries this year that grapple with climate change. The base line seems to be, “Wow, we are all going to perish as a species in about 100 years.” Some films say it is a man-made phenomenon and can be reversed with drastic and immediate actions. Is it just a cycle in the earth’s cycle? One film, Climate Refugees, tries to put a human face on climate change and is predicting mass migrations of hundreds of millions of people from heightened water levels. They see Bangladesh and Indonesia going under first. The same film predicts that a scarcity of water will also cause mass migrations from northern Africa. The film also mentioned that there is an ever-growing desert that is just 100 miles from Beijing. See here for more on that.

So all this got me thinking. I flew roughly 2,000 miles to come to Sundance. I have a heated condo. I take the carbon spewing shuttle to every film. There is dissonance in my head; it is like sitting next to Noah building the boat and I am not lending him a hand.


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